WS6 Oko 26

Oko Wikcemna Nunpa ake Sakpe

Monday, Aug 17 to Sunday, Aug 23, 2009: high 90, low 50

After 83 days of sheltering people from driving rain storms, howling winds, and searing heat, Isador and i took down the tipis and wall tents of the wicoti.

The bottom edges of the wall tents were damp, so after removing the poles, we left the tents to dry in the afternoon sunshine before folding them up.

The tipi poles will remain standing for the time being. In the past we have taken them down and stored them horizontally in racks. The racks were essentially three sets of crossed and tied posts spaced about 7 feet apart. Each pair resembled an X, and the poles were placed in the top crotch of the crossing posts. One reason to store them this way was because when we left them standing, cattle rubbed on them and tipped them over, which usually ended up breaking a few of them. Now that the perimeter fence is improved, cattle have not been able to get into the wicoti and rub on the poles. Therefore, we are going to leave them standing. Plus, it looks a lot nicer to see them and their 3-dimensionality down in the wicoti instead of just the flat painted platforms.

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