WS6 Oko 28

Oko Wikcemna Nunpa ake Saglogan

Monday, Aug 31 to Sunday, Sep 6, 2009: high 96, low 51

Went plum picking this warm and windy afternoon with a simple set of tools: a shovel and a pail. The shovel is to ward off rattlesnakes or even a bull snake. The pail is to transport the plums from the bushes to the pickup.

These plum bushes are up the draw from the springs. Many of the plums are still not ripe. As the photo above illustrates, it is remarkably green for this late in the year.  The photo below is a closer shot of a bush with a nest.

Over in Grandpa’s pasture I also picked plums plus a few pails of grapes. They are delicious. Afterwards I washed them, removed their stems, and then froze them in zip-lock bags for future use.

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