WS7 Oko 37

Oko Wikcemna Yamni ake Sakowin

Monday, Nov 1 to Sunday, Nov 7, 2010: high 80, low 24

Since the new 4-wire fence encompasses an area of approximately 64 acres, including the Wingsprings buildings, the wicoti [in the background above], and the natural springs, there is now an opportunity to integrate the springs more fully into Wingsprings. Therefore late this warm afternoon I mowed the first segment of what might become a network of walking paths. This one runs from the wicoti down into the draw near the area of the first spring. The mower–named Little Red by sister-in-law Sandie–belonged to Uncle Ross, but after he died in February 2007 Aunt Edith gave it to Wingsprings. Little Red continues to be a workhorse and every time we fire him up I’m reminded of Uncle Ross & Aunt Edith.

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