WS7 Oko 30
Oko Wikcemna Yamni
Monday, Sep 13 to Sunday, Sep 19, 2010: high 92, low 37
The foundation walls for the library were poured atop the footings on Monday morning. The library will connect the house [on the left above] to the garage [to be built on the right above]. The next day, Tuesday, Tom and I began insulating the foundation walls with 2” rigid foam board, the top edge of which he cut a 45 degree bevel. Since the finish floor slab will be the same height as the foundation wall, the intent of the bevel is to allow the concrete slab to pour over the top of the foam board yet still have the edge of the slab be insulated. None of us have tried this before so we are not sure how it will work out.
Monday morning we also poured the veranda floor in front of the cabins. It is slightly lower than the cabins’ subfloor and is gently sloped toward the hocoka, extending to a line directly below the roof fascia above. Eventually there will be a trench surface drain abutting this inner edge
Since the floor of the fourth cabin will be the same height as these first three, we went ahead and poured the veranda floor in front of it as well. That is where the guys are working in the photo below.