WS19 Oko 32

Oko Wikcemna Yamni ake Nunpa

Monday, Oct 3, to Sunday, Oct 9, 2022: high 73, low 32, gust 31 mph, moisture 0.20"

The weather is going to have to remain pleasant for us to get the new roof connected from the garage (far left in the image above) around to the bathhouse (far right above). The OSB roof covers three bays. The first (from the garage) is over a passage way whereas the second one has the entry door to the future gallery. This bay and the third one will be the vestibule for the gallery. The gallery will be the next six bays. The trusses are already in place over the first of these. All the other trusses are lying flat across the gallery walls. There are three bays between the gallery and the bathhouse. Combined there are 12 bays over which we hope to build roofs before winter settles in. This photo was taken just after noon on Wednesday.

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